Spain - Málaga 6


Spain - Málaga 5

  Museum Carmen Thyssen

Spain - Málaga 4

   Lola is on the phone...
i am waiting....

Spain - Málaga 3

i am sorry i took a picture you without permission.
i had to do it. because
you are sooooooooo adorable!

Spain - Málaga 2

피카소의 비싼 전시회보다 피카소 생가 갔던게 나에겐 더 특별했다.
1유로로 나는 피카소가 태어난곳, 베넷저고리, 가구들, 썸네일 스케치를 봤다.
i visited at the Picasso birthplace museum, it's more special than expensive museum Picaso to me.
i saw Picasso birthplace, baby kimono top, furnitures and somenail sketch.
if you pay 1euro, you can see all. what a great!

Spain - Málaga 1

Lola의 엄마의 유명한 크로켓.최고!!!!!!!!!
민주오면 꼭 데워먹으라며 전화하셨다고함.
Lola가 해준 요리를 다시 먹게 될수있어서 신남!!!!!!
it's a famous croquestte made by Lola's mom. it's the best!!!!!!!!!
She called to Lola and then she said that
when Min ju comes to your house, you should heat it and eat it.
i am happy to eat it again cook by Lola!!!!!

Portugal - Lisbon 6

  누군가를 사랑한다는것은
누군가를 사랑하지 않는다는것
무엇인가 얻는다는것은
무엇인가 버린다는것
to love someone is
to do not love someone.
to get something is
to throw away something.

Portugal - Lisbon 5


Portugal - Lisbon 4

만약 내가 다시 리스본을 간다면
망설임없이 저 호스텔을 선택하겠어.
if i go to Lisbon again,
i'll choce that hostel without hesitation. 

Portugal - Lisbon 3

트램혼잡. 너무 웃겨
바쁜사람은 욕하고, 관광객은 사진찍고, 구경하는사람은 박수치고
Tram jam. it was funny
some busy people are speaking of abuse,
some tourist are taking a photo,
some spectator are clapping their hands.

Portugal - Lisbon 2

내가 만든 끔찍한 샌드위치에 질려있을때, 호스텔에서의 저녁식사는 너무 고마웠다.
독일식 샐러드, 포르투갈 수프, 인도 카레, 이탈리아 파스타. 믹스 앤 매치였지만....
파티오, 음식, Mr.wolf 요리사, 새로운 사람과의 대화. 최고의 저녁식사 ;)
when i was fed up with sandwich made by myself, i deeply appreciate about having a dinner at hostel.
Germany salad, Portugal soup, India curry, Italian pasta. it was mix and match....but em..
beautiful Patio, delicious food, Mr.wolf cook, talking with new people. i had the best a dinner ;)

Portugal - Lisbon 1

Miradouro de Santa Luzia

Portugal - Cascais 3

북위 38º 47분 동경 9º 30분
유럽대륙최서단! Cabo da Roca.
이곳에서 땅이 끝나고 바다가 시작된다.
Latitude 38º 47№ Longitude 9º 30№
the westernmost point in continental Europe! Cabo da Roca.
where the land ends and the sea begins.

Portugal - Cascais 2

Cascais에서 놓쳐서는 안되는것은 버스
버스 놓치면 1시간 혹은 2시간은 기다려야 된다.
you shouldn't miss the bus at Cascais
if you miss the bus, you should wait it for 1 or 2hours.

Portugal - Cascais 1

나에게 주어진 다음 과제는 서핑인것 같다.
the next challenge given to me that i think it's Surfing.
Sintra beach