Philippines - Cebu 1

가족들이랑 떠난 여행.우리가 머물렀던 Mactan Resort Shangri-La.
지내는동안 매일 수영하고 매일 바다가고 걱정하나도없이.
여긴 지금이 필리핀은 겨울날씨라서 28도정도.여름엔 40도정도.
사람이 날씨가 따뜻해지면 마음이 여유로워진다.
    i had a trip with my family. we stayed at Mactan Resort Shangri-La
while i stayed, i went swimming and went to beach without worries everyday.
it's winter in Philippines now so temperature is 28℃ while it's about 40℃in summer
warm weather makes me feel comfortable.