함께 여행하는게 좋은건
맛있는 밥을 함께 먹을 수 있다는것
그때를 함께 기억할 수 있다는것
혼자 여행하는게 좋은건
생각 할 수 있는 시간이 많아 진다는것
여행하며 새로운 친구가 생긴다는것
Traveling with someone is good for two reasons
we have a delicious meal together
we could remember that time together
Traveling alone is good for two reasons
i have enough time for thinking
i could make new friends on traveling
Traveling with someone is good for two reasons
we have a delicious meal together
we could remember that time together
Traveling alone is good for two reasons
i have enough time for thinking
i could make new friends on traveling